
Saturday, November 13, 2010

25 Days of Thanks Challenge: Day 13

Today I am Thankful for...Modern Technology

It's tough living away from family and all the friends I grew up with. Modern technology has made it more bearable. In addition to email and blogging, we have hooked the in-laws and my mom up with web cams (and in my in-law's case a computer and internet) so we can Skype each other. My two year old loves to see the pets on the other end of the camera and the grandparents love to see their babies. It's a way for us to not feel so far away.

Since staying at home with the kids, I have found blogging and Facebook to be a wonderful way to keep in touch with people from all over. I also have reconnected with many old friends and made many new ones in the process. So for the conveniences of modern technology, I am so very thankful!

What are YOU thankful for today? Check out the "25 Days of Thanks" tab at the top of the page and link up below!


  1. Thats really neat how you guys talk via webcam! What a great idea to keep everyone in touch! I am also thankful for modern technology...that was a really good one to think of!

  2. Me too! So great reconnecting with old friends like you, seeing what everyone is up to and making new "bloggy" friends too.

  3. I know exactly how it is! Living in Finland while my parents and brother are still in Canada, my kids get to connect with my side of the family through the internet between those once a year visits! We even have Sunday evening Skype Story time, where grandma reads the bedtime story to her grandkids, something everyone looks forward to every week :D

  4. Oh what would we do without it. I can't stand to lose power any more!

  5. This is my topic for tomorrow. I was in the middle of nowhere this weekend without cell service, and it really made me think of how thankful I am for technology.


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