Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our first Big Boo-Boo

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This morning started out much like many other mornings in our household with a pile of laundry and the baby sitting on the bed while the toddler runs around in her pajama top and training panties. I always knew this day would probably come at some point. Elena has inherited her Daddy's high activity level with her Mommy's lack of coordination. NOT the best of combinations! She falls all the time and has bumped her head and scratched her knees more times than I can count. Today was much like all those other times with one major exception...the non-stop flow of blood pouring from her eye.

When I heard the scream behind me, I knew she fell and probably hit her head (this time it was on the window sill in our bedroom). As usual, I scooped her up and held her tight telling her it was O.K. It wasn't until I pulled her away from me to inspect the boo-boo that I noticed the blood all over her face, hair, hand, shirt and me. I'll admit, I did panic a bit, just because I wasn't sure how to handle getting everything together for a trip to the ER while applying the pressure I needed to to stop the bleeding. I managed to calmly place a call to my husband's cell phone to explain Elena had fallen and would need stitches. He was there within 10 minutes of my call. He held her while I got dressed, threw some things in a bag, got pants & socks on Elena, and fastened Kate into the car seat.

Three hours and some liquid stitches and butterfly sutures later, we were celebrating Elena's great behavior in the ER with Starbucks for Mommy & Daddy and a Hardees cinnamon-raisin biscuit for Elena. Throughout the entire ordeal, I couldn't help but wonder how a single mom or mom who doesn't have someone close by to help does it. Though we live farther away from family, my husband works two miles from our home and has a boss who is extremely understanding of family emergencies. I honestly don't know what I would have done were he not able to be there to drive us to the hospital and watch the baby.

Though she may have a scar for the rest of her life, and she'll probably get a few more along the way, Elena is just fine right now. She's so proud of her "band-aid" and lucky for Mommy, she wants to keep it on. So now I get to write on that page in her baby book that says, Boo-boos (broken bones, stitches, etc.).

Baby girl, Mommy is so sorry you got her clumsiness! At least I can be here for you and understand how tough it is to be athletically challenged!

Wordish Wednesday


  1. My goodness, poor thing...Poor mommy! I remember when I got a call from daycare that Keagan had done a very similar thing a few years ago.... Glad she took it like a trooper!

  2. For some reason, when you said hubby was there within 10 minutes of your call, it brought tears to my eyes. What a great husband and father! I'm so glad Elena is okay. That must have been very scary.


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